Rayons X HawkGlass X3 :  A solution for detecting pieces of glass in glass containers.

Rayons X HawkGlass X3 : A solution for detecting pieces of glass in glass containers.



The elimination of glass particles is a major challenge for industrial users of glass jars and jars. ATM: French know-how at the service of our customers and food safety. Our vocation is to bring our customers the best of technology. We are committed to supporting you in your quality approach by offering you the appropriate equipment for your needs and have the ability to adapt and design X-ray inspection equipment of customized X-ray inspection. - Unique innovative inspection geometry that ensures detection anywhere in glass containers. - A powerful algorithm based on the latest innovations in artificial intelligence further enhances the ability to detect foreign bodies, including in complex packaging. The cutting-edge X-ray technology deployed on the HawkGlass by ATM-VISION allows for unprecedented levels of detection in this market.

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