Live Identity Wallet Entreprise

Live Identity Wallet Entreprise

Live Identity Wallet Entreprise
Live Identity Wallet Entreprise


For all compagnies who want to simplify and secure their exchange / interaction with stakeholders, LI Wallet Entreprise is the digital wallet solution that includes the ability to create an ecosystem to exchange with its stakeholders (customers, suppliers, providers, partners…) It adapts to their needs and their ecosystem. LI Wallet Entreprise allows to : - Create and ensure their identity on or off-line (a high level of privacy and security to store data/id document) as a company or company’s product/object, - Send or receive verifiable credentials (tamper-proof), - Share their data with other EU Digital Identity Wallet and keep control, - Share information with their ecosystem (e.g. share a health car, have Digital product passport…). OB propose a Wallet who will be compliant with strict privacy and security standards (European Digital Identity Framework) and compatible with a physical person wallet.
Orange Business - Live Identity
Application markets
Cereals/ Grains/ Starchy products

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